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GHF Tribute to Greg Radicone, L.Ac.


During the two-year period in which he served as GHF’s Central America Program Manager, Greg Radicone expanded the Foundation’s weekly mobile clinic program to provide healthcare services to new indigenous communities throughout the districts of El Quiché and Chichicastengo, Guatemala.  And more than 15,000 patients received comprehensive treatments with acupuncture, natural herbal remedies, therapeutic soft-tissue bodywork, Reiki energy healing, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, and rehabilitative body movement exercises!

Says Dan Wunderlich, GHF Founder and Executive Director: “If you watch Greg in the treatment room, he’s almost always smiling and laughing.  And the people he’s treating—children, elders, or those his own age—laugh right along with him!  His smile is infectious.  Beyond his sense of humor, Greg is incredibly personable, approachable, and committed.  He’s a true champion of compassion and that shines through in each of his treatments.”

As Greg transitioned to other opportunities, his fellow team members presented him with this tribute video to acknowledge the great contributions he made to GHF’s outreach efforts in Guatemala.

Enjoy the video!