A New York based Reiki Master, Geordie Numata has been practicing Reiki energy healing and working as a shamanic healer since 2004. When he joined our GHF medical outreach team to help the underserved people of Guatemala, you could easily sense his wise, virtuous soul amplifying the therapeutic benefits our other practitioners provide. Thanks for all you do, Geordie! Read all about Geordie’s story with Global Healthworks Foundation below.
A Shepherd for the Lost Sheep: Geordie Numata’s Ability to Heal Society’s Most Vulnerable Populations
The sun peeks its head over the Chuacús Mountains of Quiché as some fifty Guatemalan and North American volunteers join hands and form a circle at the Centro de Paz Bárbara Ford. Eyes close and breathing deepens as Geordie Numata begins the morning blessing. “Let’s start by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth,” he leads the group. “On the fifth breath, say ‘Ah.’” The room fills with the sound of inhalations and sighs, as volunteers’ early morning fatigue begins to fade. At the close of the breathing exercise, Geordie opens his eyes and looks at those around him. “And smile,” he says, beaming. “Allow that smile to fill your whole body. Bring it into your heart and keep it there. Always.” Notably calmer and more focused than when they first arrived at the treatment space, volunteers head to their assigned posts to prepare for the day ahead.
A New York based Reiki Master, Geordie has been practicing Reiki energy healing and working as a shamanic healer since 2004.
A New York based Reiki Master, Geordie has been practicing Reiki energy healing and working as a shamanic healer since 2004. Though the April 2015 jornada is his first trip with Global Healthworks Foundation (GHF), he has worked with Dan Wunderlich, GHF Founder and Executive Director, on previous integrative health efforts. Along with Dan and fellow GHF volunteer Peter Panken, Geordie also volunteers and helps coordinate a free clinic in New York City for those recovering from addiction. “Geordie is like a shepherd for the lost sheep,” Peter P. says. “The people he treats and teaches might not be what others perceive to be the ‘cream of society.’ But he takes everyone seriously. He’s there for people who others might not pay attention to.”
In addition to providing individual Reiki treatments, Geordie also holds Reiki trainings, leads shamanic and Reiki circles, and works in “harm reduction” at his home in New York. “I try to serve the average person who doesn’t have access to or can’t afford holistic services,” he explains. “It’s really just about providing support.” During the April 2015 jornada, Geordie has provided Reiki treatments to patients and trained more than twenty local Guatemalan GHF health promoters in Reiki Level-I. “It’s my first time training Mayan peoples in Reiki,” he says. “It was really an amazing experience. Working with energy comes naturally to them. The Mayans already have that spiritual connection.”
“He’s there for people who others might not pay attention to.”
The degree to which Geordie is able to connect with each person he treats is palpable. It is as if he and his patient are the only two people in the room. “Whenever you are in Geordie’s healing presence,” says Dan Wunderlich, “you can sense his wise, virtuous soul. He quietly, yet purposefully, guides you in your journey – no matter what that path might be. He has an abundance of special energy healing that amplifies the therapeutic benefits our other practitioners provide.
One of Geordie’s Reiki Level-I students, José Manuel Gómez, a Santa Cruz del Quiché resident who works on GHF’s mobile clinic team, describes his teacher as “extraordinario (extraordinary).” “Me ayudó con aprender nuevas cosas y concocer nuevos sentimientos (He helped me learn new things and feel new feelings),” José Manuel says. “Luego, practiqué Reiki con mi esposa. Al siguiente día, no tenía dolor. (Later, I practiced Reiki with my wife. The following day, she had no pain.)”
GHF’s local Program Manager, Peter Caron, who has worked with Geordie internationally and in New York, believes that, in addition to healing others while in Guatemala, Geordie has also experienced a level of healing himself. “I think he’s able to be in a space that really facilitates the opening of his heart,” Peter C. explains. “He can do his best work here and then bring that back to New York.”
Providing space for that opening, Geordie says, is what enables him to relate to patients, students, and, really, all those around him. “Your personal heart connects to the one heart, the heart of all there is,” he describes, pointing up towards the sky. “You know, it has been one of my life’s dreams to do this work, in a place like Guatemala. What Dan [Wunderlich] has created here is incredible. It’s healing on a whole other level.”
Undoubtedly, Geordie’s addition to the GHF team has expanded that level of healing among both Guatemalans and North Americans alike. Whether treating local residents or leading fellow volunteers in a morning meditation, Geordie has helped to provide a space for heart opening, restoration, and renewal.